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Its been a while but i am ready to take on this forum, come on now where are all my peeps at.
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Who sufforing from headaches, here is some information for you.
Reflexology the DIY way
Are you plagued by constant headaches, stress and sore shoulders after hours spent hunched in front of the computer? Try this self-help reflexology treatment when you get home.
Take action:
Using your thumb, press all over the pad of your big toe - this movement is believed to stimulate the brain; if you're suffering from a sinus headache, squeeze the sides and back of each toe; if your headache is in your forehead, it has probably been brought on by general tiredness and can be eased by pressing just below the big toenail; the main pressure point for general stress relief is located halfway up the top of your foot on the area where the first and second toes meet.